Kushuthara - Every woman's prized possession Most of the people in Lhuentse Dzongkhag are predominantly of agriculturalist by nature. The Dzongkhag has the suitable climatic condition for practicing the farming of of all “Dru-na-gu”. However, encouraged by the fertile land with good irrigation facilities, most of the people are into wetland cultivations which make Lhuentse an envied Dzongkhag for producing rice. Lhuentse as one of the rice producing district in the Country contributes unprecedentedly towards realizing the food self-sufficiency of the Country. However, these agriculture farming keeps them bogged down only in summer during the time when water for that matters rains are aplenty. Come winter, there is not much works around. Contrarily when farmers in other parts of the Country are relaxing, farmers in Lhuentse have always kept themselves productively engaged. They busy themselves in winter involving themselves full heartedly in off-farm activities whi...