Intoxicated by the lesser worth of enjoyment and indulgence in unworthy activities, we often fail to realize the real truth of being born as human. A guy in the discotheque, the rooms filled with puking sting of alcohol and the plumes of cigarettes hardly realize that even though he is right now in the higher realm, there awaits the day when he will meet an end. But he reacts to the beats of the music and pretends he is enjoying as if this is going something that will keep happening to him for all his eternal life. But, sparing a serious and in-depth thought, these are all very short-lived.
"...I comforted myself with a gush of fresh autumn wind..."
Leisurely baking over the morning winter sun outside the office, I comforted myself with a gush of fresh autumn wind, fresh and clean right into the depth of my tired lungs. The clear winter sun illuminated the mother earth. Far in the jungle, the deciduous trees are slowly giving way to bitter winter, shedding their leaves. The leeches that bother the flocks of Chukha are now the mere talk of the past. The creepy crawlies found out every hole in the stones, dead leaves to go into the hibernation for four long winter months.
"The bright and inviting colourful petals now lies in the forest floor, which will slowly decay..."
The beautiful flowers, those were at galore once, glamouring and adorning the jungles are now withering. The bright and inviting colourful petals now lies in the forest floor, which will slowly decay and fed the next generation of the budding beauties.
This reminds of the impermanency. Metamorphosis of life can be without an inch compared with the flower. The birth is equivalent to the budding of the flower. It is then so fragile and a small mishandle on part would bring large damage. So, goes the same for the child born. But it is a time for the tree to celebrate its budding. Then the linage is guaranteed. The bud would soon unfurl and exhibit very attractive flower which would attract many prospective bees and butterflies.
"Some are pink rose, others yellow sun flower and still some other are daffodils and few a water lilies"
The child born would go through and grow up to be the attractive teen at sweet sixteen. The life at this time is in its full bloom. Some are pink rose, others yellow sun flower and still some other are daffodils and few a water lilies. Whatever, the bees are attracted to the flower eager to help in pollination. The reproduction would then happen with copulation in case of human. Another line of generation is underway yet one cannot remain complacent.
But soon enough the flower would grow old so does the human. The beautiful petals that they wore would soon start giving sign of fatigues. The wrinkles would soon find their way into the beautiful face and no make-up or applying of those cosmetics would help. And one winter, the attractive flower, the charm of the surrounding, the fragrances that used to intoxicate the environment would give way to harsh winter. The flower which used to earn so many comments in the past, while it stood very proudly by the top of the tree would now is seen on the ground.
"...yet by another spring, the flower would bloom again."
Here now goes the beautiful flower. People and animals would no more care it rather steps on it while on casual walk. Soon, the flower with the inevitable force of rain and sun would decay and slowly join its journey to dissolve into mother earth. The earth that gives livelihood would also take the life back. The cycle continues. Everyone would know that yet by another spring, the flower would bloom again. But this is not an end how every flower would meet its end. Some are too beautiful that it is plucked in its fullest bloom by the passerby. Some are eaten by the animals sadly for those palatable ones while others are snatched away by other force of nature.
"If this is the truth of life, when do we have the time for hatred?"
The same truth applies to human also. No matter how beautiful and handsome we are, the last of ours is claimed by the eternal force of fire. The law of getting old applies to everyone and the final withering spares none. If this is the truth of life, when do we have the time for hatred? Where do we have the time for anger, hurting others, being miser and greedy? Why do we have to build up the sense of belonging and ownership over things? Why do we concentrate on accumulating the wealth when we all know we can take none of this with us when it is time for us to leave? Instead I feel this life should be filled with sense of helping all fellow beings, share whatever we have with others, be kind and soft to others, treat everyone like we want others to treat us.
Only then is this life worth to live. That is the way, the only exit for everyone, me, you, he, she, they, and all. Huh…..too philosophical.
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