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My New Found Love: - What shall thy name be???

I count myself lucky having met her one sunny day near the place I presently stay. I purely attribute it to the destiny or the fate we shared since it was the invisible string of love and passion that brought us together. None would dare to agree to believe me that she just decided to stay with me midway in Chukha in her journey to Thimphu, having consulted neither her parents nor anyone who took her care. So bold she is, is she? If ever I have been waiting for the fresh love, it was she who would give me the correct doze.

"Lucky girl she is!"

We have now developed so much of attachment that we can hardly think of time away from each other. We love each other so much that we eat together in same plate, sleep in one bed, go for evening walk and literally do everything together. What love is this if it is not one genuine one? The time I have to be in office is the time I miss her most while she stay at home, sleeping all day till I return home. Lucky girl she is!

She eats the food I prepare for ourselves, help her take shower and prepare bed. She literally does nothing for me rather than just sleep on the bed all day. I never mind because I love her so much. But she does me one important thing. She wakes me up early to accompany her to toilet and this is how she helps me rise early. I am grateful to her for that.

"It was the destiny that asked me to look at it?"

But going back to how I met her, I was just baking in the autumn sun outside my residence. With my bare chest surrendered to the morning glow of nature, I was reading the novel. As usual, the T/phu – P/ling highway remained busy with traffic on constant move. Did I somehow notice the Army truck whiz below or is it the colossal howl of this uniformed man that attracted my attention or was it the destiny that asked me to look at it?
The Saktiman (army truck) loaded with camouflaged goods sped away and from among these camouflaged man fell on road, my frail love. I instinctively went near her with the proposal to stay with me and she faithfully accepted my proposal. She now serves me as a friend with whom I talk, friend who joins me for evening stroll, and interesting of all someone who wakes me up early morning (I don’t get late to office anymore or she saved me from early morning fire)
"I temporarily call her “Puppy” but I know she is more than that"

But one thing that worries me is, she never revealed her name or identity. With whatever name I call her, she just wigs her tail and that is one thing that really perplex me. I know she would have preferred to tell me her name but she just couldn’t. I temporarily call her “Puppy” but I know she is no more that little puppy. But in my quest to call her by those English name, we just agreed ourselves with it. But I am not yet satisfied with it.

So, here is the help I am asking from the folk to name her those English name.


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