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Ageing before Age

“Toothache – the mention of it kills me, but there is no escape for me” I say it.

If women say labour is greatest pain, toothache is not far. For those men who don’t respect the pain the women endure during giving a child birth, a man should experience the toothache. The pain one have to bear during toothache is equivalent to labour. It makes every sense in body go numb and the brain and the blood vessels are most attacked. In middle of pain, I contemplate getting rid of it but then I worry I have only numbered teeth in my mouth. I choose stomachache rather but I wonder if only there is choice over what pain one must go through. Those who have the taste of it will agree me.

Like any child, I was born with 32 teethes. My milk teeth went out to be replaced with fresh 32 teethes. But come the age of 12, bacteria chose to feed and devour my teeth. In middle of the child’s play, I would suddenly go lethargic and this is because the pain in my teeth bothering me. I would spoil the climax of the game and then I am doomed. With no doubt I am out of play. But attaining my pain is more important here than the play.

I tried every prescription available which includes using every strong and ill-tasted food. The solution of the combination of garlic, root of beans, peeper would make magic and pain is soon gone. But gone only to come back day after with same intensity, same pain, I suppose the same number of bacteria.

Soon I complain, one effective medication was smoking, no inhaling though. The nicotine in the tobacco would make the bacteria go inactive and then I am relieved. And if I am a chain smoker now it is this bacterium that I attribute of making me pick up such bad habit. Now I am not able to quit it though I am more informed about its dire consequences.

Then in my primary school, rescue in the god’s name, the dentist from the renowned hospital made it to my school to attain those in need. I was the first boy to enroll for the treatment. But removal was first time I experienced. The drug itself made me think I lost my tongue. I thought my tongue has blown up double-fold. Then came the getting rid, I asked myself if dentist had any mercy? With his tool, he dug deep into my gums but then getting rid of it is much important. That pain is no pain as compared with regular pain. I am relieved with two of my molar teeth gone for good.

I thought it is now gone never to come back. I was glad it is gone for good and I thought I am happier that way. But it was gone only for 5 years. After that it is back, back again with same pain. It is now bothering me no end. Every night I await the night of torture and contort. It starts from the nerve end at the base of my remaining molar teeth and then travels up to the brain through the blood vessel and every part it reaches; it makes that part entirely succumb to the pain.

I am proposing yet another uprooting but then I got to weigh the pros and cons. I am already running out of teeth in my mouth if the problem I am facing without it is any indication. I can hardly bring any fridge food into my mouth. The beaten maize, bones and any other solid food are out of my menu. This food is even not worth trying because my remaining 30 teeth are hardly able to do its jobs. I am left with only the tearing teeth, incisors, and two more remaining molars. But then these two are already out of condition. The bacteria that came back started attacking and feasting on remaining teeth. The pain says I must get rid of it again but the deteriorating numbers of teeth in my mouth says against. Hence, I have now hard choice whether to endure the pain or run out of teeth stock in my mouth.

This is getting old in twenties, isn’t it strange???


  1. Hey, is it you Ugeent? Man, you disappeared for too long. How're you?

  2. Thanks Kuenza for dropping by. And yes you are bingo, I am ugeent. I disappeared for against all my wishes. I have always wanted to remain within the reach of you guys, but something kept me so long.

    But I am planning to resurrect soon. And you know what i do when i resurrect...haha. I am gud and hope you are gud too.


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