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Fire Fighters introduced to basic fire behavior and fire combating techniques

The forest fire volunteers with the professor  
Fire is one of the essential elements of sustenance of life on earth besides soil, water and air. But it is also considered as one of major annihilator of life on earth. Fire is universally known to be a good servant but a bad master. And this ‘bad master’ going wild and obliterating the Country’s pristine forests and natural resources is of national concern.

"Fire is a ‘bad master’ going wild and obliterating the Country’s pristine forests and natural resources is of national concern"

There is need to seriously delve into the sad fact that more than 31,132 acres of forests were lost to wild fire in the last three years and the Department of Forests and Park Services (DoFPS) is exactly doing that. In doing so, the 68 volunteers from multiple background such as Desung, Business Community, Corporations, Government Institutions, Projects and many other private individuals who have committed their service for forest fire fighting have been imparted basic fire behavior and fire fighting techniques.
Kinley Tshering of the Forest Fire Management Section (FMS) unveiled that the forest fire volunteerism program, calling for joint efforts in responsibly protecting our natural environment was incepted in 17 December 2007 with 30 volunteers. With time, the number steadily increased and today, there are 260 registered volunteers who are actively involved in advocating public awareness on preventing forest fire incidences. The volunteers have substantially contributed by both promoting advocacy as well as physically combating forest fires. They’ve been involved actively in providing vigilance during the historic occasions of His Majesty’s coronation and 16th SAARC summit besides hosting theater shows in the streets.

"The training is being continued to the officials of the Department who are based in the fields"

The training is being continued to the officials of the Department who are based in the fields. The representatives from Dzongkhag Forestry sectors and the territorial forest divisions are being trained on more advanced level of fire fighting techniques. Dr. Ronald H. Wakimoto, Professor at the University of Montana, USA who is on sabbatical leave from the University is facilitating the training.
During the training course, the registration for the volunteers for planting trees above Changangkha Lhakhang, Thimphu to commemorate important occasions such as 4th King’s Coronation, Children day and Social Forestry day on 2nd June dedicating to the International year of Forests was also done.
The current training is confined to forest personnel from the western region since similar training was conducted at Ugyen Wangchuck Institute of Conservation and Environment (UWICE) at Bumthang for other region few weeks ago.
The training funded by RGoB is being organized by FMS under Forest Protection and Utilization Division (FPUD) of DoFPS.


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