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National Level Forest Management Workshop

Participants of the National Level Forest Management Workshop

Bhutan committed to be a carbon neutral at the 15thConference of Parties held in Copenhagen. This will be further validated by the concrete fact when the Department of Forests and Park Services come up with precise amount of carbon sequestering capability of the country after the comprehensive National Forest Inventory. Moreover, such nation-wide inventory will also pin-point exactly the different attributes of forests system such as forest cover, forest type and forest resources (timbers and Non-wood Forest products).
Towards this, the Chief Forestry Officers (CFO) from both functional and field divisions, Park Managers (PM) and Dzongkhag Forestry Officers (DzFO) have converged at Thimphu to not only discuss and deliberate on modus operandi of National Forest Inventory but also dwell on emerging issues related to Forests.
In his welcome note, Mr. Kinley Tshering, Chief Forestry Officer of Forest Resource and Development Division (FRDD) reminded the august gathering that forest plays an important role in mitigating climate change and related science. He supplemented that congregation of policy makers and implementers is prerequisite for sustainable management of forest resources for meeting increasing demands of the people both now and in near future.
Gracing the workshop as the Chief-guest, Mr. Karma Dukpa, Director of Department of Forests and Park Services pointed out that all developmental parameters hinges around core issues of forest management. Hence, he advised the participants to dwell upon increasingly emerging issues of forests and deliberate thoughtfully.
In the next three days, the participants will discuss on strengthening National Forest inventory, making field offices aware of it and also adopt modality of its implementation. Resolve key issues such as addressing timber demands, issues, challenges and strategies vis-a-vis resolve key issues for sustaining forest resources.
Through presentation from CFOs, the workshop offers platform to pitch in field issues pertaining to successful implementation of best practices of sustainable forest management and receive guidance for formulation of strategy for Wood Based Industries. The import guidelines for import of timbers will also be presented to the participants
Information being key to right decisions and sound policy information, issues of Forest Information Management System (FIMS) will also be resolved towards afternoon session of the third and the final day of the workshop.
The National Level Forest Management Workshop is being organized by Forest Resources Development Division (FRDD) of the Department of Forests and Park Services with funding of the RGoB.


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