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All Beginning has Ending

All sentient beings born in this world has one common exit, ending up in same way. The door that allows the exit is common to all of us. Irrespective of cast, creed and colour, one can only know that they are going to leave behind this beautiful world one or other day. This can be better put as ‘all born must die’.

"Nothing is permanent and with every passing day, the forward march towards an end is made"

Many leave after they have spent all their memorable days here in this materialistic world except those few unprovidential one, who sympathetically breaks up right at the peak of the life. When this happens, one is merely left to stand and accept with no option the harshness and the cruelty of life often referred to as most beautiful and sweet one. From this we can all make but simple statement that nothing is permanent and with every passing day, the forward march towards an end is made. And this is the law of being born which cannot be defied at any cost.

"She was a question I would have never known the answer"

The first time I saw her, I innocently started reading her fate. Everything was what I expected of her. Those lavender eyes promised me immense laughter and the gentle, versatile, well groomed manner where all, that she was composed of. Literally that was all I have expected a lady should possess and what more could have I asked for? She was a question I would have never known the answer. She was obviously a gift I would never possess.

Until then, we took our own time at first but we both knew that we are going to like each other. Finally the likes matched to twin and pair into one single blindfolded life. Days began for me to get happier and prosperous. I could now feel her love and see her beautiful face. Every morning, I would wake up to find a sweet smell emanating from kitchen, possibly preparing breakfast. I went to work wearing cleaner clothes. I am a disciplined and responsible man now with families back home.

"We only knew we are going to be together for all time to come"

Together, we crushed all the hurdles on the way towards combined successful life. We have let germinate, given birth to many dreams, plans and proposal for our life of togetherness. Those plans were big but achievable with dual effort. We were just waiting for the appropriate time to execute it. But then, in such time of happiness, we little considered what and how would tomorrow be for us. We only knew we are going to be together for all time to come. We fancied the fairy life accepting few unconditional obstructions on the way.

We headed towards the final destination as one single life. Our direction needle was pointed towards the highest horizon and awaiting the highest accolades in life. The future we have designed for ourselves were bright with sun of glory shining over us. The time was in fast forward mode and while laying the plans and proposals, we never asked……how relevant is planning for days ahead we know nothing about?

"The future with her looked brighter. I thought there’s a stock of happiness to enjoy with her"

The future with her looked brighter. I thought there’s a stock of happiness to enjoy with her. Tending children, running household chores, dreaming together for future and many others would be how I would spend my time with her. My assumption didn’t deceive me until 1 year and 6 months of our marriage when the real twist and turn of the destiny was ever confronted.

She was admitted to JDWNRH in Thimphu with pneumonia. She complained of her breathlessness. Then, I could do nothing than to be simply be the witness to her nights of anguish, watching the pale face writhe and contort in her nightmare of pain. When asked how she is doing, the silent answer she gave with her gaze fixed at the ceiling was self explicit that she can no more fight to go on living. Yet, we weren’t ready to face it and we always remained attached with the positive aspect of it. We remained clinging to the last fiber of hope that she is anyway going to walk back home to her 6 months old son.

The world went blank and halted to standstill when she slept forever, a deep black sleep from where she is never going to wake up for the last time. With her month long ailment in ICU in hospital, she breathed her last. All those love I have for her, all those dreams we built together melted when no force could be deployed to hold her back. The last of what is left of her joined the strong Thimchu river current and embarked on an immortal tour to the place from where she is never going make comeback. She then left behind nothing except those memories in which I remain buried. I am left tainted with gruesome past when I have to face the bitter truth harder to bear.

"If one is happy and enjoying the real bliss of life today, how long can one expect it to last"

Danger or the black fate never informs its approach. One only realizes when it actually makes you its victim. The fate is but made of twists and turns. The ups and downs that you experience in life shatter you and this is fate. The true face of fate is so cruel that one can hardly face it. I only wish that one can ever read tomorrow. No one knows what’s tomorrow yet everyone lives as if all tomorrow will be today for them. If one is happy and enjoying the real bliss of life today, how long can one expect it to last. When you are about to realize that it is an enjoyment and want to really relish it, it is long gone. So such is the truth of life.

Is life equal to everyone? Does rich and powerful has upper hand in life? Can anyone level the twist and turn of life? Who has the power to fine tune life into what we all wish for? Who has lived the eternity? Who hasn’t experienced the final day? If everything has to end in such rude manner, then why do we not realize it? Why can’t we escape the cruel death?

"Then, in such days of illusion, the sun is up from the west and down in the east"

Life itself is full of surprises. Many unexpected things happen in short life. When you are in catastrophe of life today, you cannot afford to think that this is your life for next seventy to eighty years. You are happy today and next day, the sudden changes swifts through and the course of life change to new direction. Then, in such days of illusion, the sun is up from the west and down in the east. Life is short and anything can happen at any time. People have the tendency to remain complacent, yet such twist of destiny spares none. Ordinary to extraordinary, natural to supernatural, poor to riches, king to subject, lords to servants………everyone can become its victim. The power of king, the prowess of lord cannot fine tune the fate rather; each one has an only option to dance to the biorhythms the fate sets.

"So, waste no time for life is short and an end may at any time"

It’s said that the only way to confront this untamed fate is by practicing an eternal Dharma. The purification of one’s own soul and practicing the pure doctrine laid by the great Guru is the single-most alternative of facing it. It is the dharma who accompanies you when you leave behind everything and walk in darkness. So, waste no time for life is short and an end may at any time.


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