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Beauty: the Beast of it

It is no surprise when a dream woven so intricate can fail to achieve. Her dream failed her, moreso her parents and peers. It is also no more shocking when her appearance, the beauty of her proved the beast on her expedition to lead a more of happy life than the materialistic one. Her beauty earned her material happiness but not definitely the spiritual happiness. Now she is fighting over the conscience and the devil when she cannot herself define the life she is leading. Living in well furnished house, looking from the couch of the building down to the latest fads car, all her fiancée has gifted her; she is regretting the path in life she has chosen to tread. But now that she has chosen it, there is no denying rather than to continue the path not knowing where it is taking her.

She has all that needs to be happy, all the money she require, well furnished house, the car that she need for locomotive purpose, a child to play and fiddle with. So, what is missing here? If people think material accumulation makes one happy, it has proved completely wrong for her. The car always remained parked in the front garage not because of fuel shortage but someone who bought it for her don’t want, the child she borne can hardly name the father for he appears only when he miss mother than the child, all the money she is showered with do not talk with this peerless lady in her twenties. She has spoiled her life just when it is beginning.

She had her dream, dream to become someone bold enough to serve her parents and herself. Towards that, she attended school having realized it takes schooling to live upto her own expectation. But as she grew up, she started blooming extra-ordinarily. For some girls, it would have been a boon but not for her. The beauty, the pretty face she wore, not the one she manipulated, the asparagus-like structure not of restricting diet, the glittering face not of wrapped with cosmetics, the tantalizing smile not which she fake has proved her all obstacle for her quest of dreams. All this natural and genuine beauty, which she sometime hated, attracted more suitors than friends in her school. Despite all odds, she managed to complete her high school.

That winter, when she was all prepared to go to school to continue her studies, doctors announced her pregnant. But no suitors were to be seen around. Everyone, all those who have been willing to be around her, those which earlier were after her now started running away from her when she needed them most . Everyone fought innocent denying anything to do with it. Fate decided her or she decided the fate? She dropped and stayed home for her kid and the parent.

She hasn’t waned with her beauty. The suitors still continued pouring in showering with all prospective proposals only to prove deception when she has resented. All those came with hands were only for a one night stand. After they feasted with her beauty and flesh, everyone disappeared never to be seen again. When she came to understand that it is wrong to consent to men who promise stars from the sky, turquoise from oceans, it was already late for her. These men, who promised her everything gave her nothing, not even the moral support when she found herself failing in her life. They simply dissolved in four directions.

But despite all the failures, she never lost trust and hope in herself. She lived strong, now that she has someone to live for – her child. She said, “I must live even if I want to die for I cannot let my daughter face the same destiny”. She has promised to tell the tale so that she cannot make her daughter vulnerable to all those same promise, fake suitors and candidly tongued men. The lesson her mother has learned is strong enough to defy her daughter falling victim to the same predator.

Nothing did go well in her life. Just when she is contemplating a serious life, away from all fake love net, this man appears from no where. Unlike other men, this man comes with thick notes, a happy life for her and more important promise of bright future for her girl child. Can she trust this last suitor? How can she make sure he is not one among those hundred she has seen in the past? He promised the same promise she has heard hundred time, with same tone of urgentness. He indulge in the same conversation she has now become familiar with, the same expression of love and affection, which she has completely lost the trust to believe in. But when he kept her telling it time and again, day after day, she gave a second thought. What if this is the true one? What if it is her last and the genuine one? What if this love words are different from what she has heard whole her adolescent? She will never find the answer to these questions.

She consented for herself but more for her daughter finally to decide rest of her life with him. He kept her happy with all money she needed, the comfortable house to live in, a car to drive around. But with it came the restrictions. She cannot live free life. She got to refrain making friends, confine herself within the world of four corners of the wall. She translated them as true love for her. He kept himself going out unrestricted owing to strewed contract works.

One day, a lone visitor, unusual of any other day come knocking her door. Skeptic herself, she refuses the repeated door alarm. When the alarm kept ringing, she opened the door to the news that her husband was always someone’s husband, father to a set of his own children. This fitted into why she was denied seeing visitors and making friends. She hated herself so much and ended with her girl child, departing to somewhere away from all this samsaric evils.


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