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The Making of Me I

Flocks living in the urban areas look back to their village as more of a mere exile. They think that the village life is a life of darkness. With no modern amenities such as access to road, electricity, Television, internet…etc, establishing oneself in the village would be the last option in the list of choices. People come to the metropolitan never to look back to their native. Yet, the facts remains here that almost everyone is originated from the rural areas only. But, the village in rural village has its own charm and delight to live in.
Long before I moved to the urban areas after completion my schooling at my native village, I used to enjoy the life at my own village. Having not known and acquainted with the modern amenities, the lives in the villages were blessings for us. We had our own friends to play and own foes to fight with. The day in a village start with getting up early. Most of the farm work would be executed before the sun rise, way to escape the spell of heat of the scorching summer sun.

The formal village routine would begin with first sound of cock. The male members would be involved in churning the milk. The sound of churning milk and inviting smell of butter and cheese would awake the snoring children from their deepest slumber. Soon after, they rushes to the nearest stream with a bunch of ‘palang’ (Bamboo stem used for collecting water) binded perfectly to fetch the drinking water. The face wash (no brushing of teethes) is done in the source of water only. Coming back home, the female members of the families would have finished grinding the maize and made the breakfast ready. But before the breakfast is served, there is milking to be done after which the cattle are released to the jungle to freely roam. After the heavy breakfast to compensate the lunch for which they have no time, the senior members would head to their field with knife, hoe, spade, sickle, ropes and other farm tools. The children would accompany the cattle to herd it back in the evening.

It is almost 6:00 PM and the darkness is due for the day. It is time to retreat home. They return home with head-load of firewood and some fresh grasses for the pigs. Beside farm work, there are more households’ chores at home. The cattle are tethered for the night. The pigs are fed and finally dinner is served. Yet, illuminating themselves with home-made kerosene lamp, rolling of threads is done to weave the clothes. After the brief prayer, the mother is the last member to sleep.

We had the deep attachment to the daily life of herding cattle and exploring the unexplored deep jungles. We used to cut the trees merely for the enjoyment and excitement we used to draw from the sound of heavy trees crumbling down. We had our own way of catching fishes. Blocking the water by building a wall with the clothes and leaves, the helpless fish would be found jumping for the water. These fishes would serve the festive dinner back home.

In the evening, returning to home with a line of cattle in front, wearing of wet clothes after a swim in the rivers had its own charm. But, the bad times would come when the animals would take advantage of playing herders kids and bunk away to steal few morsel of fresh crops. Also, when we couldn’t bring driving all the cattle home, we fear the whips and the scolding from our parents.

The winter time would be the most splendors time of all seasons. The dry grasses and dry field with no crops would look village dull. This would be substituted by the cries of archery matches and other village level sports tournaments. When elders were involved in archery matches, the children would play khuru, doegors and other games. The losar, thrue and other occasions were much awaited days for the children. This is the time when everybody is in high spirit. With crops already harvested, there would be enough to eat and enough energy to play around and sing. The villages would go colourful, burstling with songs and the melodies sang during the marriage ceremonies, puja performances and other entertainment. If there is any time for relaxing and enjoyment, this would be the time. be continued................................


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