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India Sweeps Bhutan, No more the Hot News

Suraj sweeps 
Here is the job of nobody’s choice atleast with Bhutanese youth but for Mr. Suraj, a man in 30s, from our neighbour country India, the broom he carries to work everyday is his god, which helps him feeds himself and his families. 

He is almost a decade into the job yet he shares all his unfailing interest for the job. Given the privilege, he would even love to make the job hereditary, to pass on to his children and grandchildren. His duty includes cleaning toilets, sweeping offices, parking space and any place that looks dirty atleast in his area of his rule.

Despite this, unemployment remains the unsolved problem for Bhutan. It has reached to the point that the word itself is no more a foreign words particularly for the Bhutanese youths. Today, many youths either complete their schools or drop out midway only to indulge in the alcohol and drugs. If asked the reason, everyone would say, “I am demoralized, I didn’t get employed. So, I am into the realm”. Howzzat supposed to help?

“I am demoralized, I didn’t get employed. So, I am into the realm”
I am no philosopher to dictates someone’s life but when I actually interacted with Mr. Suraj, he really opened up my eyes and taught me great deal in dignity of labour. What’s there in sweeping? A job is a job afterall. The pioneer objective is filling up our intestine so that we can keep breath going.

Rather than doing drugs which kills oneself, it is worth atleast being a sweeper. When Suraj can raise his family with the job, why not we? And also the sweeping is a socially useful work which helps keep the surrounding clean and avoid outbreak of many diseases. So, from Bhuddhist point of view, you are saving life, hence collecting white deeds. Howzzat the idea?

"And also the sweeping is a socially useful work which helps keep the surrounding clean"

Rather than Indian letting it do for us, why not we Bhutanese do it? Look into the picture, how beautiful and dignified a man would look if that’s the man in gho doing the job? But sadly, all our youth aspire for the desk job (white collar job) which culminates into employment problem which will turn out to be a serious one to the country.

So, pick up the broom and start sweeping. It is our country and we can sweep our country. Let’s let Suraj go home!!!


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