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Integration Vs Disintegration

The Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Agriculture are the three sub-sectors under the ministry of Agriculture, which are extremely interlinked to each other. We cannot consider the solitary existence of the single sub sector without directly or indirectly interlinking to other. 

It all starts from the household stage, where these three sub-sectors theaters an imperative role in sustaining the livelihood of the household. They rear livestock, which the forest provides the fodder and the residues from agriculture is used as feed for the animals. The leaf litters from forest and the waste from the animals manures the agricultural field. So, for the reasons that they profoundly co-exist each other, the Natural Resources Training Institute at Lobeysa trains the custodians of these three natural resources who would make sure that these three webbed resources are utilized sustainably.
It all goes upto national level with various RNR departments and institutions, spearheading towards food sufficiency. They regard forestry, agriculture and livestock as indispensable fundamentalists in attainment of the goal. From these, we can articulately make out that these three sub-sectors are embedded to each other in the way the nail is with the flesh. They are integrated beyond one can imagine.
But little has been realized that they are also similarly disintegrated to each other. They terrorize each other without knowing that they are significant for each other. They are inadvertently destructive to each other, compromising their own existence.
For instance, the conventional practice of agriculture claims major parts of the forest combating for the fertile land, finally forest losing its chunk to agriculture (Tseri). Also, most of the forest fires commence from the Tseri. By these, Agriculture is against forest. And the tamed and untamed animals obliterate or damage the agriculture crops. The nocturnal and dinual naughty animal from forest ravages the agricultural crops. And when the wild animals especially the predators prey upon the farm animals, how can we agree that they are integrated.
From this, I can wrap up that the three sub sectors under the Ministry of Agriculture are integrated but equally disintegrated. Nevertheless this is my one time fanatical contemplation. In reality, they are genuinely integrated and all the custodians must work hand-in-hand endeavoring for the same target of realizing national food self-sufficiency.


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